Cut back to the gnome pencil holder though...'cause I fuckin' love that thing!
I would spend more time looking at it except that I think I love the engagement ring even more so I keep staring at IT instead...and I love Sonny Rollins even more than both of them combined :) If he was here I would totally stare at him all googly and disgusting-like...
ADHD-style, we're getting married this summer. You see, because the ring is custom-made, I knew it was on its way...and I knew we didn't have much time...so...we already have venue/dress/circus/african drumming troupe/band/cake/photographer/meeting with an accountant to make sure the ADHD twins aren't digging themselves into a hole, allll taken care of.
Nope nobody's preggers. Thank goodness...do we think the ADHD twins really need FOUR children under the age of 8? We certainly don't!
Do we need more lovely evenings curled up in our leetle New England bungalow in a fuzzy blanket while he plays his guitar and swears at chords that are better arranged on piano than guitar? Yes, yes we do. Do we need more cooking delicious things together and listening to jazz between smoochings in the kitchen? Mmmmm yes. Do we need more moments of insane child logic breaking up the monotony (generated by both children AND adults)? Well we may as well embrace what cannot be stopped ;)
I love you Sonny Rollins...I loved you at "geez, he's cute". I loved you at "damn, he's got great taste in sneakers too". I loved you at "I like to listen to a lot of, um, weird jazz". I loved you at "YOU have ADHD and an anxiety disorder!? ME TOO!!!". I loved you on date number one when you said "I should probably tell you that I'm married, but let me explain.". I loved you when you showed me a certain serendipitous tattoo that made me think that either I had lost my mind or the universe was playing a REALLY weird trick on me, and you had no clue. I love you at "oh look, he's smiling at me while I'm losing my ADHD mind for a minute". I love you at "shit, I never should have put my W-2 in a SAFE place!".
I could go on and on but...y'all get the idea...if you hadn't already. Let's hear it for LOOOOVE :) And gnomes!
ZOMG, congrats!
ReplyDeleteWe're really excited :) Not just about getting married...but about BEING married...wheeee!